META Tag Generator Calcium Treatment: 2008-08-03 calcium treatment

Saturday, August 9, 2008


In 1932 Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his discovery that cancer was anaerobic: cancer occurs in the absence of free oxygen. As innocuous as this discovery might seem, it is actually a startling and significant finding worthy of a Nobel Prize. What it basically means is that cancer is caused by a lack of free oxygen in the body and therefore, whatever causes this to occur is the cause of all cancers.
In chemistry, alkali solutions (pH over 7.0) tend to absorb oxygen, while acids (pH under 7.0)tend to expel oxygen. For example, a mild alkali can absorb over 100 times as much oxygen as a mild acid. Therefore, when the body becomes acidic by dropping below pH 7.0 (note:all body fluids, except for stomach and urine, are supposed to be mildly alkaline at pH 7.4), oxygen isdriven out of the body thereby, according to Nobel Prize winner Otto Warburg,inducing cancer. Stomach fluids must remain acidic to digest food and urine must remain acidic to remove wastes from the body. Blood is the exception. Blood must always remain at an alkaline pH 7.4 so that it can retain its oxygen. When adequate mineral consumption is in the diet, the blood is supplied the crucial minerals required to maintain an alkaline pH of 7.4. However when insufficient mineral consumption is in the diet, the body is forced to rob Peter (other body fluids) to pay Paul (the blood). In doing so, it removes crucial minerals, such as calcium, from the saliva, spinal fluids, kidneys, liver, etc., in order to maintain the blood at pH 7.4. This causes the de-mineralized fluids and organs to become acidic and therefore anaerobic, thus inducing not only cancer, but a host of other degenerative diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, lupus, etc..

Everyone knows that the human body is made up of 78% water by weight, and that water is hydrogen and oxygen gases. When nitrogen gas and carbon in the form of carbon dioxide and methane gases are added, the total gas in the body by weight becomes over 95%. Almost half of the remaining 5% that makes up the human body and controls all biological functions is the mineral calcium.

No other mineral is capable of performing as many biological functions as is calcium. Calcium is involved in almost every biological function. This amazing mineral provides the electrical energy for the heart to beat and for all muscle movement. It is the calcium ion that is responsible for feeding every cell. It does this by latching on to seven nutrient molecules and one water molecule and pulls them through the nutrient channel. It then detaches its load and returns to repeat the process. Another important biological job for calcium is DNA replication, which is crucial for maintaining youth and a healthy body. DNA replication is the basis for all body repair and can only occur “on a substrate of calcium”. Thus, low calcium means low body repair and premature aging. As important as all these and hundreds of other biological functions of calcium are to human health, none is more important than the job of pH control. Calcium to acid, is like water to a fire. Calcium quickly destroys oxygen robbing acid in the body fluids. Thus, the more calcium, the more oxygen, and therefore, the less cancer and other degenerative disease.

This information then begs the question, “How much calcium is necessary ?” The answer can readily be determined by examining the diet of millions of people around the world who consume over 100 times our Recommended Daily Allowance, RDA, and who suffer the side effects of living 40 years longer than we do, of aging at half the rate that we do, and of being devoid of cancer, heart disease, mental disorders, diabetes, arthritis and all other degenerative diseases. Almost all of these people, the Armenians, Azerbaijans and Georgians in Russian, the Tibetans, the Hunzas of Northern Pakistan, the Vilcabamba Indians in Ecuador, the Bamas in China and the Titicacas in Peru live at high altitudes above 8000 feet. Their only source of water is melting glaciers, and the glacial water is so turbid and white with ground up rock that all of these cultures call the water “milk of the mountains”. Each quart of this water contains over 17,000 milligrams of calcium along with other minerals and 60 trace metals. These cultures drink several quarts each day and the water fertilized crops are also loaded with calcium and other nutrients. The only long living and disease free culture that does not live above an altitude of 8000feet, is the Okinawan’s.

Millions of Okinawans live in the southern coral islands of Japan with the average life expectancy of 105 years,while mainland Japan is just 77 years. The Okinawans live on islands made of coral reefs which are mainly calcium. The Okinawans discovered over 500 years ago that feeding coral sand that is produced from the weathering of the reefs to the chickens and cows results in twice as many eggs and twice as much milk. They also found that when the coral sand is used as a fertilizer, crops increase by as much as three fold. When they finally, 500 years ago, began to consume the coral sand themselves, all of the under utilized doctors were forced to leave the islands. This was known in Japanese history as the Japanese Exodus.

The early European explorers discovered their secret and hauled shiploads of the calcium rich coral sands back to Europe. In Madrid Spain,the historic monument of the world’s first drugstore contains rows of shelves labeled “coral calcium from Okinawa Japan”. Today millions of people all over the world consume coral calcium, and as a result, there are millions of medical testimonials.

The phenomenon of preventing and reversing degenerative disease through the consumption of large amounts of mineral and vitamins did not go un-noticed by men of medicine. Hundreds of years ago European doctors were prescribing coral calcium and other nutrients to their patients.

In the 1950s, Dr. Carl Reich M.D. discovered that his patients were able to “cure themselves” of almost all degenerative diseases by consuming several times the RDA of calcium, magnesium, vitamin-D and other nutrients. Dr. Reich was the first North American doctor to prescribe “mega doses” of minerals and vitamins to his patients and is considered by many to be the father of preventive medicine. By the 1980s Dr. Reich had cured thousands, but lost his license for explaining that the consumption of mineral nutrients, such as calcium, could prevent cancer and a host of other diseases. This concept was considered “too simple” to accept by the medical wisdom of the day. However, by the late 1990s, other medical men of wisdom were also discovering that calcium supplements could indeed reverse cancer.

In the October 13, 1998 issue of the New York Times an article appeared entitled “Calcium Takes Its Place As a Superstar of Nutrients” in which it reports that a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association reported that“increasing calcium induced normal development of the epithelia cells and might also prevent cancer in such organs as the breast, prostate and pancreas”. It also reported that the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published “virtually no major organ system escapes calcium’s influence” and that a research team from the University of Southern California found “adding calcium to the diet lowered the blood pressure in 110 black teenagers”

The January 14, 1999 issue of the Phoenix Republic wrote in an article entitled “Calcium Reduces Tumors”that the New England Journal of Medicine reported “adding calcium to the diet can keep you from getting tumors in your large intestine”. Then the February, 1999 issue of the Readers Digestwrote in an article entitled “The ‘Superstar’ Nutrient” that the Journal of the American Medical published “when the participants consumption reached 1500 milligrams of calcium a day, cell growth in the colon improved toward normal (this means that the cancer was reversed)”. The Digest also reported that the Metabolic Bone Center at St. Lukes Hospital believes that “achronic deficiency of calcium is largely responsible for premenstrual syndrome(PMS)” and that “a lot of women are avoiding the sun and their vitamin-D levels may be very low”. In the same article, the Digest reported that “in 1997 the large federally financed trial found that a diet containing 1200 milligrams of calcium significantly lowered blood pressure in adults”. Then the May 3, 1999 edition of US WorldNews Report wrote in an article entitled “Calcium’s Powerful Mysterious Ways”, that,“Researchers are increasingly finding that the humble mineral calcium plays a major role in warding off major illnesses from high blood pressure to colon cancer” and that “You name the disease, and calcium is beginning to have a place there” (DavidMcCarron, a nephrologist at Oregon Health Sciences University). Unfortunately, most doctors have not heard the news that their own journals and major newspapers and magazines are reporting that natural supplements, especially calcium, can cure and prevent disease.


Friday, August 8, 2008

Calcium in the body

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body and one of the most important. The calcium topic is huge and complex; let me try to make it concise and simple. This mineral constitutes about 1.5-2.0 percent of our body weight. Almost all (98 percent) of our approximately three pounds of calcium is contained in our bones, about 1 percent in our teeth, and the rest in the other tissues and the circulation.
Calcium and magnesium are the "earth alkali" minerals found in the earth's crust, usually as salts that are fairly insoluble. (The word calcium comes from the Latin calc, meaning "lime," as in limestone, a calcium carbonate substance.) Dolomite, a calcium-magnesium earth mineral combination that is a little more soluble and usable by the body than some other forms, is a commonly used calcium supplement.

Many other nutrients, vitamin D, and certain hormones are important to calcium absorption, function, and metabolism. Phosphorus as well as calcium is needed for normal bones, as are magnesium, silicon, strontium, boron possibly, and the protein matrix-all part of our bone structure. The ratio of calcium to phosphorus in our bones is about 2.5:1; the best proportions of these minerals in our diet for proper metabolism are currently under question.

Calcium works with magnesium in its functions in the blood, nerves, muscles, and tissues, particularly in regulating heart and muscle contraction and nerve conduction. Vitamin D is needed for much calcium (and phosphorus) to be absorbed from the digestive tract. Along with parathyroid hormone and calcitonin secreted by the thyroid, vitamin D helps maintain normal blood calcium levels.

Maintaining a balanced blood calcium level is essential to life, especially for cardiac function. A normal blood calcium level is about 10 mg. percent-that is, about 10 mg. per 100 milliliters (ml.) of blood. Of that, approximately 5.5 mg. are in ionic form as Ca++, about 4 mg. are bound to carrier proteins, and about 0.5 mg. is combined with phosphate or citrate. If there is not enough calcium in the diet to maintain sufficient amounts of calcium in the blood, the parathyroid glands will be activated to release more parathyroid hormone (PTH), which will then draw calcium out of the bones as well as increase intestinal absorption of available calcium. So even though most of our body's calcium is in the bones, the blood and cellular concentrations of this mineral are maintained first. This is why, with nearly 30 percent of people in this country eating calcium-deficient diets, osteoporosis (a loss of bone substance) is so prevalent.

Elderly people usually have less calcium in their diets than others do, and calcium deficiency particularly affects postmenopausal women. But low dietary calcium is only one factor in the huge and complex topic of calcium bioavailability from foods, calcium absorption, and osteoporosis. Many factors are involved in making calcium available for its many essential functions. Vitamin D is, of course, most essential to calcium absorption, though this may be less necessary when the calcium chelates, such as calcium aspartate or calcium citrate, are used. Some clinical studies need to be done to see which calcium supplements are readily transported into the body and how vitamin D may affect them. Many doctors do not consider this important absorption issue and prescribe an oyster shell or a dolomite or bonemeal source as a calcium supplement. Frequently, calcium lactate or calcium carbonate (such as Tums) pills-which are more alkaline and slowly absorbed-are prescribed without suggesting additional vitamin D and magnesium, so important for calcium balance and metabolism. A woman who needs more calcium could be taking an extra gram a day without really getting much of it into her blood or bones.

© Elson M. Haas M.D.
(Excerpted from Staying Healthy with Nutrition:
The Complete Guide to Diet and Nutritional Medicine
Published by Celestial Arts)

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Since the most ancient times, lime has been used in therapeutics and was considered as a simple element of very restricted use, being preferably employed for cauterizing warts, fungosities, carcinomatous ulcers, tinea, burns, etc.

It was not until Davys discovery, in 1808, that the element calcium was known, and from this date on its applications became more interesting, notwithstanding that its use remained relegated to the most complete empiricism.

Hahnemann, the founder of homoeopathy and pioneer of the calcium therapy of today, an expert in the therapeutic value of this substance, went on to the preparation by trituration of his first calcium remedy, Calcarea acetica (Calcium acetate, acetate of lime, Cal., C2 H3 O2) in 1826, an afterwards continued with the Calcareas his experimental labors upon the healthy man.

Calcarea carbonica, Calcarea arsenicosa, Calcarea phosphorica, Calcarea iodata, Calcarea silicata, Calcarea flourica, sulphurica and picrica have been the subject of studies and provings by such homoeopathic physicians as Hering, Allen, Koch, Robinson, James, Macfarlan, Knorre, Franz, Gross, Stapf, Lille, Hartmann, Schussler, Zeil, Guernsey, Bell, Blakely, Conant, Morgan, Burnett and others, which have determined the characteristics and indications for the use of these remedies in therapeutics, enriching at the same time the homoeopathic materia medica.

Calcium is found in the skeleton, in the teeth, in the soft tissues of the organism, being an essential element in all the plasma of the tissues and cells. The normal organism contains 9.0 and 11.0 mg. of calcium per 100 c.c. of serum, which quantity varies in children, this proportion increasing or decreasing in them or in the adult according to their diverse troubles.

The calcium level of the bloody plasma is in reciprocal relation to the phosphorus of the blood.

The metabolic functions of calcium depend upon a complex phenomenon in the acidification, solubility and transportation of the calcium metabolism can be affected by numerous causes, among which we can mention the action of the parathyroid hormone, the B, C and D vitamins, the acid-base equilibrium, the renal, thyroid and parathyroid functions, which supply the absorption degree of calcium and phosphorus salts in the organism.

Pure experimentation in the preparations of lime, which is the inexhaustible source of a knowledge of the homoeopathic materia medica and its application to the clinic, has given us numerous and various symptoms from among them as follows: Calcarea carbonica offers us 1631 subjective and objective symptoms, Calcarea arsenica 342, the phosphorica 640, the sulphurica 340, etc., etc.

From more than one hundred years of continued success in the use of the Calcareas in homoeopathy, it has been proved that the best and most efficient results come from the strictest and closest prescription of them according to the Law of Similitude, embracing the most different applications, therefore it is not a surprise for us to find them indicated for the most varied troubles.

Every author agrees to this and practice justifies it, that the Calcareas are indicated in that constitutional and morbid state characterized by different affections which are settling in tegumentary, lymphatic and osseous systems (scrofula), which is for Escherich tuberculosis added to lymphatism and causing scrofula, that is, the evolution of the tuberculosis in a special filed.

The Calcarea patient is stout, corpulent, fatty, whether it be a child or an adult, with an excessive paleness of the skin and coolness of the extremities. In children the fontanelles remain open, the dentition is delayed and irregular, the abdomen is voluminous and the lower extremities short and thin, a backwardness existing in the general developing of the organism.

The patient is apathetic, capricious, indolent, apprehensive, forgetful, obstinate and does not like either work or exercise.(Hypothyroid).

Anaemia, loss of the coagulability of the blood, periostitis, great sensitiveness to cold, partial perspiration; children crave eggs; spots and opacities of the cornea, chronic dilation of the pupils, cataracts; nasal polyps; otitis, hypertrophy of the tonsils and of the lymphatic ganglia. Goitre.

Loss of appetite, milk intolerance, hyperchlorhydria; hepatic colics; umbilical hernia, infantile diarrhoea, constipation.

Menstrual dysfunction with milky leucorrhoea, sterility, uterine polyps.

Night coughing with spitting, hoarseness hoarseness without pain, the chest is very sensitive to touch and to pressure. Tachycardia. Renal colic, knotty arthritis, chronic rheumatism. Worse by physical and mental exercise, by cold and standing up. Improvement in a dry climate, lying down on the painful side. (Calcarea carbonica).

The patient displays a very serious manifestation in the skin, such as fissures, cracks, suppurations with callosities, fistulous ulcers which secrete a yellowish pus. Hard edges even down to the level of the joints. Stony indurations.

Hereditary syphilis, congenital syphilis. Goitre, Arteriosclerosis. Apoplexy. Tuberculosis. Hematomas, gangrene. Sclerosis of tympanum, otitis; hypertrophy of the tonsils, bloody piles, varicose veins. Aneurysm. (Calcarea fluorica).

Hypertrophy of the thyroid gland particularly in puberty, hypertrophy of ganglia, hypertrophy of the tonsils, adenoids. Uterine fibroids. Croup. Hereditary syphilis. Pneumonia. Persistent catarrhal states; polyps in the nose and in the ear. (Calcarea iodata).

Membranous bronchitis, bronchorrhoea. Membranous dysmenorrhoea. Cancer. (Calcarea acetica).

Epilepsy. Nephritis, albuminuria. Chronic malaria. Cancer of the matrix. Pernicious anaemia. (Calcarea arsenica).

Infantile dyspepsia with a craving for ham, bacon and smoked meats. Flatulency. Enterocolitis during dentition. Hard stools, green and with fetid gases. Fistulas of the anus. Menstrual disorders among young girls with leucorrhoea like white of an egg. Prolapsus of the matrix. (Calcarea phosphorica).

Fibroid, adenitis, suppurated process of long duration. Deafness through chronic otorrhoea, purulent discharges from the ear and from the nose. Mastoiditis. Dysenteriform enteritis, chronic enteritis. Abscesses and fistulas of the rectum and anus. Purulent exudations of the skin. Eczema in children and adults. Lupus. Herpes. (Calcarea sulphurica).

Sclerosis of the ear; chronic otitis; Menieres vertigo. Inguinal and scrotal hernia. (Calcarea picrata).

An extensive volume can be written in reference to the clinical use of the Calcareas of the Hahnemannian school, adding besides that the best results are obtained, as the founder of homoeopathy counsels, with infinitesimal doses, giving cases of cures with the potency from the 30x to the 1000 of Fincke.

The traditional school, which for twenty years up to the present time has paid special attention to the employment of calcium, has undoubtedly been able to enrich their therapeutics with more precise hints about this substance, and the most noted authorities summarize their indications for the following cases: Calcium carbonate (creta preparata), as absorbent and as alkaline base to neutralize the hyperacid dyspepsia. In gastrosuccorrhoea and in infantile diarrhoea. As succedaneous of sodium carbonate. (Therapeutics and Pharmacology, Arnaudt, 1934).

As antiemetic in infantile dyspepsia. (Lessons in Therapeutics, DR. Hernando). As an agent for recalcification in tuberculosis of the lungs. (Ferrier and A. Robin, Elemental Treatise of Therapeutics, Manquat, 1919).

Calcium chlorate as an internal hemostatic or in enemas. (clinical Therapeutics, Dr. Gaston Lyon, 1919).

Neuter phosphate of lime, glycerophosphate and chlorhydrophosphate of calcium as antirachitic. (Diseases of Infancy, Suner and Ordonez, 1930).

The gluconate and lactate of calcium, in hypodermic form after parathyroidectomy, in tetany, nephritis, oedema, eczema, bronchial asthma, urticaria, angioneurotic oedema. Spasmophilia. Uremia. Epilepsy. Eclampsia. Osteomalacia. Osteitis fibrosa. Decalcification. Lack of consolidation of fractures. Tuberculous pleurisy. Enteritis. Night sweating in tuberculosis. Ulcerative colitis. Dysmenorrhoea. As antidote in lead, mercury and chloroform poisoning. (Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Walter A. Bastedo, 1938).

From this brief comparison if follows that the calcium therapy of today is nothing less than the CALCAREUM therapy of the Hahnemannian school, with the particularity that the indications of the latter are more precise as being in conformity with the LAw of Similia similibus curantur. MEXICO, D.F.

Volume: 1939 Jul Vol LIV No 7
Author: Hilario Luna Castro
Subject: Materia Medica

Acktiva - Important Aspect of Activa Coral Calcium Treatment for Arthritis and Calcium Support

Acktiva is a new form of calcium - providing the body with calcium, magnesium and vitamin D as well as over 70 trace minerals in order to create healthy PH levels. This combination makes it easily absorbed into the body. It is very important to have reach 7.3 to 7.5 PH levels in your body. As we are a nation of coffee drinkers and fast food consumers, our body tends to be far too acidic, so taking coral calcium is a great way to help your body get back to its naturally functioning PH levels. This is also an enormous help with arthritis sufferers whose body's blood levels are too acidic. Coral Calcium first became popular in North America when it was discovered that the people of Okinawa, Japan enjoy life longer and it was thought this was because they drink water that is rich in the coral calcium of the area and this helps neutralize toxicity in their bodies.

Not only can Acktiva coral calcium balance your body's PH levels but it has a very good effect on the production of hormones and enzymes.

The coral calcium is extracted directly from oceanic and marine coral from the Okinawa district. Calcium builds healthy bones and teeth and could help prevent bone loss and deterioration, thus reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Coral calcium can also help regulate blood pressure and cholesterol, helps with kidney stones and muscle contractions as well as possibly reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. It also aids nutrients go through the body in an optimum manner. Magnesium and vitamin D help with the body's absorption of calcium. In fact one serving of Acktive contains more than 50% of the daily recommended calcium and magnesium and over 200% of the Vitamin D required.

Acktiva can help with:

colon cancer

cardiovascular disease

bone deterioration

high blood pressure

premenstrual syndrom

Acktiva can benefit people at any stage of their lives - there are no known side-effects. Acktiva was tested properly according to the FDA standards, helps support good health, provides support against diseases such as osteoporosis and forms of arthritis, help to keep your body at a healthy, balance PH level. Eating whole grains, fresh fruit and vegetables helps to keep your body in balance. Acktiva coral calcium has been designed to help people with bone problems and heart disorders. As mentioned above, there are other benefits too.

Acktiva is a very popular as it one of the most comprehensive supplements available today.

For more information on Acktiva, please visit Acktiva

By Sandra Fierling

Can Calcium Prevent Disease?

by Aimee Amodio

Calcium is essential for the body's bones. But this mineral has a big role in preventing other health problems, too!

Calcium has been associated with lowering blood pressure (and the risk of high blood pressure). Researchers have noted that a vegetarian diet that is high in minerals (including calcium, magnesium, and potassium), high in fiber, and low in fat tends to lead to lower blood pressure levels. Clinical studies have also looked at the effect of an increased calcium intake on blood pressure.

The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of the National Institutes of Health tested different types of diet on adults with high blood pressure and published the results in 1997. A diet that was high in fruits, veggies, and low-fat dairy (providing more than 1200 milligrams of calcium daily) resulted in the biggest decrease in blood pressure.

Calcium may also have a role in preventing colorectal cancer. Research on the matter has had mixed results, with some studies showing that increased calcium intake can reduce the risk of non-malignant tumors in the colon. Further studies are needed to confirm whether calcium truly has the ability to protect against colorectal cancer.

Recent studies have shown that increased calcium intake (especially in the form of dietary calcium, rather than supplements) can help decrease the risk of kidney stones. Because calcium oxalate stones are the most common form of kidney stones in the United States, it was previously thought that calcium intake was a major contributor to kidney stone development. Research has pointed at oxalate intake and lack of fluid consumption as much bigger risk factors than calcium intake for most individuals.

Calcium may also help with weight management. Some observational studies have made a connection between high calcium intake and lower body weight (or less weight gain over time). There are two theories as to why calcium makes a difference:
A high calcium intake may reduce calcium concentrations in fat cells by reducing production of two hormones. This can increase fat breakdown in cells and discourage fat accumulation.
Calcium may bind to small amounts of dietary fat in the digestive system -- preventing the fat from being absorbed into the body.

Further trials are planned to investigate the connection between calcium and weight regulation.

Dietary Calcium and Vitamin D Might Prevent PMS

Possible Cut in Risk of Premenstrual Syndrome Marks Another Good Reason to Eat Right
By Daniel J. DeNoon
WebMD Health News

Now there's yet another reason for women to get plenty of calcium and vitamin D. The bone-building nutrients may prevent PMS.

PMS -- premenstrual syndrome PMS -- premenstrual syndrome -- is a collection of symptoms that come between ovulation and a woman's menstrual period. Symptoms include depression, irritability, fatigue, abdominal cramps, breast tenderness, and headaches. To qualify as PMS, the symptoms must be severe enough to interfere with normal life activities.

There are various ways to treat PMS, but no way to prevent it. Now a strong clue comes from University of Massachusetts researcher Elizabeth R. Bertone-Johnson, ScD, and her Harvard University colleagues. The researchers analyzed data collected over 10 years from nurses 27-44 years old participating in a long-term health study -- including more than 1,000 women with PMS.

"We found women with high intakes of both calcium and vitamin D did have significantly reduced PMS risk," Bertone-Johnson tells WebMD. "Those who ate about four servings a day of low-fat dairy or yogurt or fortified orange juice had a 40% lower risk of PMS than those who did not. That is about 1,200 milligrams of calcium or 400 international units (IU) of vitamin D each day."

Calcium's role in cancer

Does it really help prevent disease?

By Karen Collins, R.D.
Special to MSNBC
updated 5:54 p.m. ET Dec. 14, 2004

For some time, nutrition researchers have thought that sufficient amounts of calcium in the diet may protect people from colon cancer. The results of studies vary, however. Two new explanations for this inconsistency have been offered: First, the source of calcium may make a difference. Second, inherited differences in the “receptors” on cells that process nutrients could safeguard some people more than others.

There are still good theoretical reasons linking calcium consumption to a reduced risk of colon cancer, however. These reasons tend to be supported by both laboratory and human studies.

One of the most recent analyses pooled data from ten different studies in five countries. People who consumed the most calcium had a 20 percent lower risk of colorectal cancer than those people who consumed the least calcium.

In another study, women who met or nearly met current adult calcium recommendations reduced their risk of colorectal cancer almost 30 percent compared to those who ate half the recommended amount. In this study, total calcium consumption was more significant than dairy product consumption, and vitamin D was not linked to risk.

In addition to these studies, others have shown from 15 to 30 percent drops in colorectal cancer risk for people with high calcium consumption.